Thursday, July 21, 2011

Daily life in Croatia: Croatian party land....Zrće ( Pag )

Daily life in Croatia: Croatian party land....Zrće ( Pag ): "I can't resist no to say few words about Croatia's hit destination- Zrce!!! This batiful long beach is known world wide for it's great party..."

Croatian party land....Zrće ( Pag )

I can't resist no to say few words about Croatia's hit destination- Zrce!!! This batiful long beach is known world wide for it's great party atmosphere in on beach clubs that never close!  Zrce is known as new Ibiza, liqueur is running in streams, girls are hottttt and not rarely naked, people are dancing 24/7.

This is something you should all experience!

Take a look at these few photos that I bring to you from Croatian news portals!!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hadžić is finally behind bars!!!!!

Finally some good news came from Serbia today. They finally arrested last officially ocused war criminal Goran Hadžić. Hadžić was on the run for last 7 years, but nobody really believes that Serbian side didn't really knew were he was hiding and who is helping him. This brutal man is responsible for masakr on Ovčara , Vukovar done in the winter of 1991. Cold bladed killer is one of the most wanted people for years on Interpol web. Now we have to give one last chance to Hague tribune to prove that they now who is victim in our war an who aggressor.

I still have a little bit of hope that they wont fail this time as they did in Šljivančanin case.

Now it's time to wait and see.....

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hookers, so what....

I can't stand aside and not comment this: - Prostitution in Croatia theme

Who still cares in this situation if there are bunch of stupid, lazy girls that don't want to work as normal person and chooses or let to be talked into this line of work.....

Why news papers cant ignore this.... Oh yeah , I forgot , people want to read about this.... Yeah, right :-)))

Oldest trade in the world, and they think that this arrest or any other will stop this. No way!!!
We should be smart as Hungarians and legalize this with very strict laws, and fill up this huge hole in  our country's budget . And than first of all girls would be safer, in many ways than one, clients would be safer, and entire nation wouldn't be spammed with this crap.

Don't get me wrong , I am not their supporter or anything like that, I just hate to read things that don't bother normal people. And one more proposition if girls would be underage , than the punishment for all people involved should be maximized.

I think this is just popularization of forbidden fruit!

Am I wrong ???

But tabloids , and all other rubbish news publishers please leave normal people without this stupid headlines!!!!


This is part of Croatian dark side....  Yes its a dark topic...

It feels like everyone everyone here is looking for a job.... Were ever you look this is the theme of conversations. We have 300k of unemployed people. But you want to know what is the fun part of this problem, yeah nobody cares. It's not that there is no jobs available- we just like to say that there is no prosperity in Croatia. You know we Croatian's are very nice, fine people but we are just too good to work in agriculture , on fields. O yes we prefer working in public sector. If you don't work in public office, national railroads, and other state owned companies you are an idiot, crazy.... You want more in your life than having to work in small office, with 10 depressed femails  ,all crying over their life's???  You should be institutionalized!!! Yes I want more, I want to fight every day for a new customer, new client , I want to get results, having to travel to make those results ad I want to be payed for it!!!!
Yes I am nuts! I want more than considering having 10 years old compact car, and thinking that I am successful. I want my own house, I want to have great car , great wife , and great children. I don't want to be scared every time I want to push my self forward in my carrier, that there is no better place on the market for me ....
Yes , I am disgusted by though of having to work and depend on this poor state "tits" .  But there is no recipe for this problem!
The best part is that I left my last job over six months ago, sent over few hundred quality CV's few responses, few interviews and I still am not depressed.
I am a young guy, there is still a lot of hope for me... But I look at my friends , good part of them are unemployed, and all they do is sit and nag about it. I usually ask them how many CV's have you sent since we last saw each other.... Answers are horrible .... all like ... hmmm I don't know, my girlfriend is doing that for me  ,,,,, or ... one, two months ago still waiting for answer from this one , I don't want to create mess what if they hire me!  ..... CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS....... And the best one ever...... I don't send them , I am waiting to see an add that I know I have great connection to get a job..... If they want me they have to call me.... AAAAAAAAAAAA.... HELLLOOOO CROATIAN YOUTH WAKE UPPP IT doesn't work like that.....

Grrrr... I can't believe that rarely anyone considered looking for a work as full time activity ( 8 hours, every day of the week, searching, calling ).... Everybody say I know but do you really do it ?????

Think about this...... It can only get better....